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Serving Others

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Principles of Good Service:

Serving at the Convention means doing what we can to make conventioners’ experience of the Convention the best it can be and, where possible, going the extra mile. We want the Conventioners to feel valued and respected.

As you serve:

  • Do so as a ‘faithful steward of God’s grace’ with gentleness and clarity
  • Be actively looking for ways to assist
  • Be a good listener and check you have understood what is being asked
  • If someone needs to find a venue, whenever possible take them there
  • Apologise if something goes wrong
  • Try to resolve issues – seek help from your Team Leader if necessary
  • Be courteous and sincere
  • Ask whether you have fully answered the question or fully resolved the issue – check whether there is anything else you can help with

Whilst on duty please be on the look-out for puzzled faces and for opportunities to assist.

We can serve well by being POTTY: Positive; On Time; Thoughtful; Team-orientated; Yourself!


  • Be aware that your tone of voice and body language will affect how people hear what you say
  • Be sensitive and polite when giving instructions. Treat others as you would want to be treated.
  • Behaviour breeds behaviour: if we treat people courteously and calmly they are more likely to respond in the same manner
  • Actively make eye contact with Conventioners and greet them as they enter meetings
  • Smile and say “Hello” to Conventioners as you move around the site
  • Always be approachable and concentrate on the needs of Conventioners rather than being side- tracked into simply chatting with fellow Team members or old friends!

Communicating With People Who Have Disabilities:

  • Give good eye-contact
  • Offer help if people appear to be experiencing difficulties, but do not be offended if your offer is not accepted or the person can manage without your help
  • Always ask how you can help: never assume
  • Do not patronise; treat all Conventioners as your peers
  • Take extra time to explain yourself if necessary
  • Our desire is that all Conventioners are welcomed and treated with respect

Useful Information

Before you arrive

For information on accommodation, meals, expenses, parking and what to bring, please view the other pages on the portal. 

Once on site

Concerns: Please report anything suspicious to your Team Leader.

Free Time: While we hope you find your work fulfilling, it will be demanding and when you are off-duty you will need to rest, especially if it is hot. However, that is not to say you should not attend any activities you may be interested in! Please do tell a friend of your plans for the day – in the past we have had volunteers go ‘missing’ as they have gone walking alone and it has taken them much longer than they had planned! Telling fellow team members of your plans is a wise precaution as we would otherwise have to call out the emergency services.

Identification: At the start of the week you’ll be given an ID badge. To help us be easily identified please ensure your badge is always clearly visible. Please ensure you do not lose this badge and never give it to another person.

Mobile Phones and Internet: Mobile reception is not great in Keswick. If anyone needs to get in touch urgently they should use the Reception number of 017687 80075. Make a note of this number in case you need to contact the office when undertaking off-site duties or someone else needs to contact you. Mobile phones must be switched to silent when on duty unless instructed otherwise. There is Wi-Fi access on our sites which can be used outside meeting times.

Photography & Video: For operational and copyright reasons no photography or video, including use of mobile phone cameras, is permitted in the children’s and youth venues; there are no exceptions. You may see official Keswick Convention photographers who are clearly identifiable: they are the only people permitted to take photographs. No photography, video or audio recordings are permitted whilst there are activities taking place on the platform. Should you see others taking photos, you must ask them to delete the images and also must let the youth and children leaders know.

Photography in the main tent: Photography in the main tent is forbidden unless undertaken by clearly identified members of staff or media. Media who have been given access to the tent for photography or videography will have been issued with a press pass. Feel free to ask them to show you the pass if you are not sure. At the same time, we recognise that due to modern technology on phones etc., it is not practical to stop all photography and videography. If you see someone taking pictures, please encourage them not to do so during the programme and not to take photos of children in the process. If they would like to take a photo after the programme has ended, they are welcome to. They might also like to ask the worship bands if they can take a picture of them then.

Press Enquiries & Journalists: Please refer any press enquiries to Emma Cortes (07460409081). Do not give any quotes, comments or opinions on any matter as there is a risk your words may be taken out of context.

Repairs and Maintenance: Whilst Team members have a responsibility to report issues, you are not responsible for resolving technical and maintenance matters! These should be reported to your Team Leader. Do not attempt to repair anything electrical, at height or put yourself in any kind of danger.

Smoking: All our sites, buildings and marquees are no smoking areas.

And at the end of Week 3

Departures after Week 3: After the Convention finishes, our sites need to be cleared and tidied. It would be greatly appreciated if you are able stay on during Saturday to help with this. We aim to complete the work by 2pm – but any time you can spare is helpful. Please indicate your availability on the Response Form.