10ofthose are providing our bookshops and you’ll find them on Skiddaw Street, and at Base Camp. See page 14 for opening times, and listen out for the book recommendations.

Children & Youth
Collection of children from Kids & Youth programmes: The first minibuses from the Main Tent will give priority to parents after the morning Bible Readings and the Evening Celebrations so that you are able to collect your children promptly after their session. However, if you are making use of the live relay venue in the mornings, please do not come to collect your children before the end of the session.
Child protection policy: Keswick Ministries has a strict Child Protection Policy, developed in association with the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service. Parents and carers are responsible for their children when not in K4K/Youth meetings.
Crèche: You can find this to the rear of the Main Tent with TV relay. Open for morning Bible Readings and Evening Celebrations. Parental supervision required at all times. Baby changing facilities in the crèche and in the Ladies and Disabled toilets at the Skiddaw Street site.
Registration for Kids & Youth Programmes: You will need to register all 3–18 year olds for the appropriate programme. We offer on-line registration which streamlines the overall process for us and we hope will make things easier for you too! This can be done at any time by visiting www.keswickministries.org/registration either using Wi-Fi in your accommodation or the free Wi-Fi on both our sites (username and password ‘Convention2017’).
Once submitted, these details will be available to simply update in future years. (Paper forms will still be available from the Convention Reception and Kids & Youth venues.) Please include all relevant details of any special or additional needs that it would be helpful for us to know about. Your 3–18 years olds then need to get their QR coded wristband. This can be done at the following times and venues.
Kids 3–11s
Youth 11–18s
Before the Saturday Evening Celebration on the Skiddaw Street site
From 9am on Saturday at Convention Reception on Skiddaw Street, until the start of the Evening Celebration
After the All Age Service in the Main Tent on Sunday morning
Before your child’s first session at the appropriate venue.
(11 year olds who have just completed primary school or 11 year olds from Scotland who feel ready to do so, may join in K4K or go to the Youth Programme. If in doubt, chat to one of the leaders.)

Communication & Media
Comments: Please do let us know of any feedback or suggestions you might have. Call into Reception, drop us a letter or email (info@keswickministries.org). Whilst we will read all comments, due to the volume we receive we are not able to respond to them individually.
Live Relay of morning Bible Readings (Mon–Fri), Evening Celebrations (Sun–Thu) and Keswick Lecture (Wed) available in the Base Camp marquee on the Rawnsley site, and in the new marquee on the Derwent site during all three weeks. The Monday evening Derwent Presentation will also be relayed to Base Camp and our Derwent venue.
Live Streaming: We will be live-streaming the Wednesday Keswick Lectures, our Bible Readings and Evening Celebrations on YouTube youtube.com/keswickconvention and via Clayton TV at clayton.tv.
Messages: If you need to contact someone or leave a message you can write this on a postcard and leave it with Reception for display in the window. Please do check to see if there is a message for you!
Mobile phones: Please switch off or to silent in meetings.
NEWS from Keswick Ministries: To keep in touch with NEWS and prayer requests from Keswick Ministries via our regular newsletter you can leave your details at Reception or sign up online at:
You can also follow us on:
Notices: Keep an eye on the screens as we seek to keep platform notices to a minimum.
Photography: Please do not take photographs, video or audio recordings whilst there are activities taking place on the platform. Please note that moving and flashing lights may be used at some meetings.
Publicity: Your attendance at Convention implies permission for Keswick to reproduce your image, likeness and voice on albums and publicity material. Thank you! Please note that on registering their children, parents can opt out of having their children photographed.
Recordings: Audio and video recordings can be obtained from Essential Christian’s sales point at the Convention Centre (see page 14 for opening times). We also make mp3s of the Bible Readings, Evening Talks and Lectures available on our website free of charge, but with registration required.
Reception: For answers to all your questions and queries.
Opening hours:
9am to 10pm
9.30am to 1pm and 6.45pm to 10pm
9am to 2pm and 6.45pm to 10pm
Additional opening times in the afternoons, when there is an event in the Main Tent. To reach members of the Keswick Ministries Team out of office hours during the three weeks of the Convention, call 017687 80075.

Getting around Keswick & parking
Cycle racks: Available on both sites.
Local relations: Please be considerate to our neighbours and the people of Keswick when moving around the town, particularly when leaving the site at night. Please keep noise to a minimum, stay on the footpaths, and respect residents’ need to move their cars.
Minibus Service: We operate a free minibus service, provided by John Hoban Travel. Minibuses run between our two sites, the Rugby Ground Car Park, Central Car Park and Crosthwaite Campsite (for campers only) for 45 minutes before the morning Bible Readings and Evening Celebrations, and for 30 minutes after these meetings. They will also run for the same period of time before and after the Sunday morning All Age Service and after late night concerts in the Main Tent. The minibus stop for the Skiddaw Street site is at the Royal Mail Sorting Office (approx. 500 yds away).
Parking: Parking is one of our perennial challenges, but is a great opportunity to be a good witness. There is restricted parking in the streets around the Convention Centre for residents and their guests – shown on map on inside back cover. Please use the Convention Car Park at the Rugby Ground – £3 per day (no overnight parking, and no dogs allowed) or use the town’s pay and display car parks. Disc parking operates in a number of areas – look out for the signs. Discs can be obtained from the Council offices, shops, and from the Convention Reception. The authorities will penalise parking infringements, so please take care.
Taxis: you will find a taxi stand at 25 Helvellyn St, near the Convention Centre in Skiddaw Street.

Health, safety & security

Cafés: Visit our new Summit Café at Base Camp on the Rawnsley site. We are working with Indigo Valley to provide a quality café in the engaging surroundings of our Base Camp venue. We will not have a café at Skiddaw Street this year.
Fairtrade: Keswick is a Fairtrade town.

Special Needs
Braille and large print song words are being produced each day, available at the Main Tent entrance tunnel to the right of the bookshop.
Disabled visitors: There is limited roadside parking on the Convention side of Brackenrigg Drive (to the rear of the Skiddaw Street site) for DISABLED DRIVERS. A permit is required from the Convention Reception, and you will need to produce your disability badge. (Please note that allocation of a permit does not guarantee a parking space, and these permits cannot be used in the town car parks.) Disabled passengers can be dropped off outside the Convention Centre on Skiddaw Street.
A Drop-Off Pass is available from Reception. The driver will then need to park at the nearest car park in town, and can use our minibus service.
The kerbs at the Reception end of the Convention Centre on Skiddaw Street have been lowered for the convenience of wheelchair users. Please follow the advice of the Welcome Team regarding the appropriate seating area.
Hard of hearing: A loop system operates in the centre of the Main Tent, and at the majority of the Seminar venues. Those wishing to benefit from the provision of BSL Interpreters are invited to sit in the designated area in front of the platform.
Learning Disabilities: Livability (formerly Prospects) runs a programme for adults with learning disabilities during Week 2 at St. Herbert’s School. See WK2 programme for more details.
Dogs: Assistance dogs are permitted on Keswick Convention sites and in meeting venues.

Derwent Site: we have a marquee on the Derwent Site for the first time this year. The venue is being used for seminars, relay of Bible Readings, Word @ 2.30, the Wednesday Keswick Lectures and relay of Evening Celebrations (Sunday to Thursday); the Derwent presentation on Monday evening will also be relayed. It is also planned that we will have a small Derwent Project exhibition in the venue
Dogs: For health and safety reasons only assistance dogs are permitted on Keswick Convention sites and in meeting venues.
Lost property: Come to Reception if you’ve lost something.
Prayer Team: Available to pray with you after the main meetings. Daytime appointments can be made through Reception.
Rawnsley: Please visit our Rawnsley site (see page 113). This is where our youth and older children’s activities take place, and where you will find Base Camp Mission Exhibition with café and bookshop.
Recycling: We have facilities for cans, bottles, paper and card at both Skiddaw Street and Rawnsley sites. Please use the bins provided.